- 2015
- PO.DAAC User Working Group (UWG) Annual Meeting, April 2015, Thomas Huang
- NASA Earth Science Technology Forum, 25 June 2015, Thomas Huang
The Distributed Oceanographic Match-Up Poster
Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Summer 2015, 14-17 July 2015, Jocelyn Elya - The Distributed Oceanographic Match-Up Poster, Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Summer 2015, 14-17 July 2015, Jocelyn Elya
- American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, 14-18 December 2015, Thomas Huang
- 2016
- Developing a Distributed Oceanographic Match-up Service, Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Winter 2016, 6-8 January 2016, Shawn Smith
- A Generalized Distributed Data Match-Up Service in Support of Oceanographic Applications, Ocean Sciences 2016, 23-26 February, New Orleans, Louisiana, Vardis Tsontos
- Building a Distributed Oceanography Match-Up Service (DOMS) To Pair Field Observation And Satellite Data, 5th Annual UCAR Software Engineering Assembly Conference and Tutorials, 4-8 April 2016, Boulder, Colorado, Hua Ji
- Vocabulary Mapping for the Distributed Oceanographic Match-Up Service, Ocean Data Interoperability Workshop, 2-5 May 2016, Boulder, Colorado, Jocelyn Elya
- Towards Improved Satellite-In situ Oceanographic Data Interoperability and Associated Value Added Services at the PO.DAAC, ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016, 9-14 May 2016, Vardis Tsontos
- NEXUS Big Data Analytics, Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Summer 2016, 18-22 July, Durham, North Carolina, Thomas Huang
- The Distributed Oceanographic Match-up Service, MARCDAT-IV, 18-22 July, Southampton, UK, Shawn Smith
- Taking on Big Ocean Data Science, IMDIS 2016 (International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems), 11-13 October, Gdansk, Poland, Thomas Huang
- Enhancing SAMOS Data Access in DOMS via a Neo4j Property Graph Database, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 12-16 December, San Francisco, California, Adam Stallard
- 2017
- DOMS: A prototype service to match stellite and in situ observations, ESIP 2017 Winter Meeting, 11-13 January 2017, Bethesda, MD, Shawn Smith
- 2018
- The Distributed Oceanographic Match-Up Service: A key component of the OceanWorks data analysis platform, ESIP 2018 Winter Meeting, 12 January 2018, Bethesda, MD, Shawn Smith
- Integrating the Distributed Oceanographic Match-Up Service into OceanWorks, Ocean Sciencs 2018, 12-16 February 2018, Portland, OR, Shawn Smith
- Potential Partnership - NASA Ocean Data Analysis Portal, R2R Advisory Panel, 23-24 October 2018, Palisades, NY, Shawn Smith
- 2019
- In situ quality flags in the Distributed Oceanographic Match-Up Service: A Component of the OceanWorks Science Data Analytics platform, ESIP 2019 Winter Meeting, 16 January 2019, Bethesda, MD, Shawn Smith
- Satellite-to-In Situ Wind Data Collocation Using the Distributed Oceanographic Match-Up Service Prototype, International Ocean Vector Winds Sciecne Team meeting, 28-30 May 2019, Portland, ME, Jocelyn Elya