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MO-DATA: NOAA Survey Technician Training
Date: 13-15 December 2023 Description: A comprehensive training session for NOAA survey technicians
Location: Marine Operations Center, Pacific Training and Innovation Center, Newport, OR.
Members of the MDC team actively contribute to national and international teams, panels, and projects with a focus on marine meteorology, oceanongraphy, and informatics. Both directly funded and unfunded service activities are conducted by team members through collaborations with the following:
- Earth Science Information Partners
COAPS and the MDC became a member of ESIP in 2015. The partnership provides a forum for MDC personnel to exchange ideas, knowledge, and content with the wider Earth science informatics community. Shawn Smith was elected to the 2019 ESIP partnership committee. Jocelyn Elya co-chairs the ESIP Marine Data Cluster. - International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set
MDC team members are active in the ongoing development of ICOADS via membership in the ICOADS Steering Committee and active contributions to the ICOADS value-added database (IVAD). - International Ocean Vector Winds Science Team
Mark Bourassa is the Team Leader for NASA's Ocean Vector Winds Science Team and the chair of the organizing committee for the International Ocean Vector Winds Science Team. These groups focus on remotely sensed winds, with a wide range of goals related to marine meteorology, oceanography, air/sea coupling, variability and predictability, and operational applications (weather forecasts and now-casts). This teams' activities span engineering of instruments, calibration and intercalibration, oceanography and marine meteorology, science and applications. Bringing together these interests has resulted in better products, improved understanding, and better operational products. One of the unique products from COAPS is a user friendly version of scatterometer data from multiple missions. - Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) Ship Observation Team (SOT)
The MDC has members active in several GOOS expert and task teams through which we make contributions to the wider marine meteorology and climatology communities. Mr.Shawn Smith previously was acting chair and vice-chair of the GOOS Ship Observation Team. - Ocean Data Interoperability Platform
MDC team members have been developing open linked data services to meet the ODIP objective to remove "barriers hindering the effective sharing of data across scientific domains and international boundaries". - Ocean Observation Panel for Climate
Mark Bourassa was co-chair for the Ocean Observation Panel for Climate, which is a GCOS, GOOS and WCRP panel that focuses on development and maintenance of the observations systems used for the ocean surface and subsurface. GCOS sets the requirements (accuracy, resolution and sampling) for climate observations. The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) has a much broader mandate including operational activities that impact the economy and marine safety. OOPC focuses on physical oceanography for GOOS. The World Climate Research Program (WCRP) has very broad interests that include variability & predictability, air/sea coupling, and related physical processes. OOPC was wisely set up as a panel that would address closely related issues for all these sponsors. - Rolling Deck to Repository
The MDC is a founding member and Mr. Smith is the co-PI for R2R, which focuses on ensuring all underway observations from NSF-funded research vessels are cataloged and submitted to the U.S. national archives.
The Marine Data Center (MDC) at FSU has a long standing policy to ensure free and open access to marine meteorological and surface oceanographic observations. The policy ensures that all data provided to FSU will be redistributed to the user community and national archive centers without any restrictions or "holds". Data providers are requested to notify the MDC staff in writing (
At present, all users of the data distributed on this site are anonymous. In the future, the MDC reserves the right to implement a login system for data access. This system will be designed in a manner that will not violate our free and open policy (all users will be allowed to register). The only reason for implementing a login system would be to better track the number and type of data users. This user information will be helpful as we seek funding to maintain and expand the MDC.

MDC staff member giving presentation at NOAA's SCS Training
- Collecting, quality evaluating, and distributing data from select oceanographic research vessels, Earth-orbiting satellites, and other marine observing systems.
- Developing and distributing products to support air-sea exchange studies, satellite algorithm development, climate research, and numerical modeling.
- Mentoring students in data stewardship, marine meteorology, air-sea interactions, and informatics. The Marine Data Center (MDC) is the primary employer of undergraduate students at COAPS.
- Collaborating with national and international scientists, panels, and working groups supporting satellite observations, marine meteorology/climatology, and informatics in the geosciences.
- Developing training materials and conducting professional development workshops focused on best practices for collecting, documenting, and stewarding marine observations.