In situ
- MarineFlux ERDDAP - Access ship and moornig-based flux data for the period 1990 - 2020.
- SAMOS - Access 1-minute interval research vessel data from the Shipboard Automated Meteorological and Oceanographic System (SAMOS) initiative (2005-present).
- High Wind Speed RV Data - Access a subset of wind speed records extracted from the RVSMDC (1989-2005) and SAMOS (2005-2016) archives that include unadjusted wind speeds greater than or equal to 20 m/s.
- RVSMDC - Access marine observations from past projects led by the Research Vessel Surface Meteorology Data Center (RVSMDC; predecessor of the MDC).
- COARE-Met Data Catalogs - Atmospheric and oceanic observations from ships, buoys, soundings, and satellites collected during the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere: Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment (1 Nov 1992- 28 Feb 1993).
- WOCE Cruise Data - Surface marine meteorology data collected by ships and moorings during the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (1988-1998).
- CLIVAR Cruise Data - Surface marine meteorology data collected by select ships on hydrographic cruises during the Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) project (2003-2013).
- Other Research Vessel Data - Surface marine meteorology data collected by select research ships during cruises that were not part of the WOCE, COARE, CLIVAR, or SAMOS projects (1991-2005).
- JMA ENSO Index - Access a sea surface temperature index for the phase of the El Nino Southern Oscillation created by the MDC using SST observations from the Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA; 1868-2020).
- Northern Gulf Tower - Access meteorological data collected by the MDC as part of the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (GCOOS) and Northern Gulf of Mexico Initiative for the period August 2008- July 2016.
- National Park Service (NPS) - The MDC partnered with the NPS Southeast Regional Archeological Center to conduct an assessment of risks posed by climate change to two national parks in the Southeast U.S.
- Canaveral - Access inventories of modern, colonial, and paleo climate data for sites near Canaveral National Seashore.
- Everglades - Access inventories of modern, colonial, and paleo climate data for sites near Everglades National Park.
- COAPS Simplified Daily Scatterometer Swath Data - The most up to date L2 scatterometer data sets (currently for QuikSCAT, RapidSCAT, ASCAT-A and ASCAT-B) have been reformatted into a daily data structure that is almost identical across platforms. These data sets are much easier to use because a common read code and naming convention are applied to all these data sets.
- Scatterometry (Swath) - Access ocean vector wind and wind speed data from multiple satellite scatterometers. These data are available relative to the satellite track, known as a "swath".
- NOAA CIRES Multi-SatelliteAir TemperatureandHumidity - This product combines SSMI/SSMIS and AMSU satellite observations to create a new satellite temperature and humidity dataset. The retrievals were developed using research vessel data from the SAMOS initiative and validated using ICOADS.
- Collocated SAMOS - Satellite Observations - SSMI/SSMIS and AMSU satellite observations were collocated with SAMOS ship observations for the period from 2005 through 2014.
Gridded Analyses
In situ
- FSU Fluxes - Access regional and global gridded fields of turbulent air-sea fluxes derived from in situ ship, buoy, and drifter data (1978-2004).
- FSU Winds - Access gridded monthly wind products for the tropical Pacific and Indian oceans. These legacy products have been in continual production since the 1980s.
- Scatterometry (Gridded) - Access ocean vector wind and wind speed data from multiple satellite scatterometers. These data have been transformed from along-track, or swath, data into daily gridded fields.
- Satellite Animations - Access thousands of movies of ocean vector winds created using NSCAT and QuikSCAT scatterometer observations.