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IOVWST Meeting
Darmstadt, Germany, 2025


Note: If you have recently registered and do not see your name, please allow up to one working day for your information to be verified. Once your registration form is looked over, your name will appear in the list below.

Suleiman AlsweissGlobal Science & Technology
Craig AndersonEUMETSAT
Shakeel AsharafJIFRESSE/JPL
Stavroula BiriKNMI
Mark BourassaFlorida State University
Shannon BrownJet Propulsion Laboratory
Jessie C. Moore TorresGlobal Science and Technology, Inc / National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Thomas Caton HarrisonBritish Antarctic Survey
Marc CloarecEUMETSAT
Federico CossuBarcelona Expert Center (BEC), Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC)
Federico CossuInstitute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC)
Juan CrespoUCLA/JPL
Francesco De AngelisEUMETSAT
Giovanna De ChiaraECMWF
Annette deCharonODYSEA LLC
Salvatore DinardoEUMETSAT
Boheng DuanNational University of Defense Technology
Justin E. StopaThe University of Hawaii at Manoa
Naoto EbuchiHokkaido University
Robin EkelundEUMETSAT
Ben FoggBrigham Young
Alexander ForeJet Propulsion Laboratory
Ralph FosterAPL, U. Washington
Mara FreilichBrown University
Yuriy GoncharenkoCapella Space
Giuseppe GriecoIstituto di Scienze Marine - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (ISMAR-CNR)
Weiqing HanDepartment of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, the University of Colorado, Boulder, Co, 80309, USA
Jeff HawkinsU. of Wisconsin-CIMSS
Dean HenzePO.DAAC / JPL / Caltech
Svetla Hristova-VelevaJet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Suqiong HuDuke University
Shineng HuDuke University
Feixiong HuangNSSC/CAS
Jonathan HuynhJoint Typhoon Warning Center
Yusuke IokaJapan Meteorological Agency
Christopher JacksonNOAA NESDIS STAR
Narges KhosraviHE space GmbH (EUMETSAT)
Simon Kok LupembaEUMETSAT
Shashank Kumar MishraNational Remote Sensing Centre, Indian Space Research Organization
Rachel LazzaroGlobal Science and Technology, Inc / NOAA NESDIS STAR SOCD
Tony LeeJet Propulsion Laboratory
Luc LenainSIO-UCSD
Jeffrey LewitskyNOAA/NWS
Richard LindsleyRemote Sensing Systems
Stefanie LinowEUMETSAT
David LongBrigham Young University
David LOngBrigham Young University
Greeshma. M. MohanProject Scientist III, NCMRWF, India
Evgeniia MakarovaBEC-ICM CSIC
Clara Martin BlancoPrinceton University
Kayli MatsuyoshiScripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego
Alex McBrideBYU Microwave Earth Remote Sensing Lab
Steven MoreyFlorida A&M University
Weicheng NiNational University of Defense Technology
Gregory P. KingIndependent Scholar, Selkirk, UK
Gregory P. KingIndependent Scholar, Selkirk, UK
Gregory P. KingIndependent Scholar, Selkirk, UK
Nick PizzoGraduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island
Federica PolverariJet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Marcos PortabellaInstitute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC)
Nathan PorterBrigham Young University
Charles R SampsonNRL Monterey
Nelsie RamosNOAA National Hurricane Center
Sthitapragya RayCOAPS-FSU
Kaijun RenNational University of Defense Technology
Lucrezia RicciardulliRemote Sensing Systems
Lucrezia RicciardulliRemote sensing Systems
Ernesto RodriguezJet Propulsion Laboratory/Caltech
Tyler RuffNOAA STAR/GST Inc.
Tyler RuffNOAA STAR/GST Inc.
Alberto S. RabanedaNorwegian Meteorological Institute
Roger SamelsonOregon State University
Joe SappNOAA/NESDIS/STAR and Global Science & Technology, Inc.
Nicolo ScapinPrinceton University
Meenakshi ShenoyNational Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting, India
Xinjie ShiNational University of Defense Technology
Toshi ShinodaTexas A&M University - Corpus Christi
Toshi ShinodaTexas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Stephanie StevensonNOAA/NWS/NCEP Ocean Prediction Center
Ad StoffelenKNMI
Qingguo SuNational University of Defense Technology
Anton VerhoefKNMI Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute
Jeroen VerspeekKNMI
Jeroen VerspeekKNMI
Bryan W. StilesJet Propulsion Laboratory
Bryan W. StilesJet Propulsion Laboratory
Patrick WaltonCare Weather
Wuxin WangNational University of Defense Technology
Zhixiong WangNanjing University of Information Science and Technology
Shilei WangNational Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Xingou XuKey Laboratory of Microwave Remote Sensing, National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Rui YangPrinceton University
Lisan YuWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Julie Z. Milleruniversty of Colorado Boulder
Yuting Zhuthe School of Electronic and Communication Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University
Juhong ZouNational Satellite Ocean Application Service

2025 International OVWST Meeting
May 5th - 8th Darmstadt, Germany
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