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IOVWST Meeting
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 2024

IWRAP - Observations from Hurricane Ike and Status of Data Products and Availability

Presenting Author: Professor Stephen Frasier

Dual-frequency (C- and Ku-band) ocean NRCS and volume reflectivity observations obtained by the Imaging Wind and Rain Airborne Profiler (IWRAP) in Hurricane Ike are presented. Improved sensitivity for penetrating heavy precipitation has been implemented via pulse compression at both frequencies, and a real-time signal processor has enabled more rapid production of data products. For this season, Ku-band (VV) and C-band (HH) were collected to augment existing high-wind and low-wind observations both with and without precipitation. When possible flights were also coordinated with overpasses of ASCAT and QuikSCAT. A web-accessible data repository has been created for the OVWST community to access IWRAP data. Data products available include reflectivity, NRCS, and Doppler observations in the instruments native conical-scan geometry, as well as these products binned by along-track location and azimuth angle. Companion aircraft navigation data, flight-level winds, and surface wind and rain-rate from the Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) are also incorporated with these data. An overview of available data sets and their access are described.

2024 International OVWST Meeting
May 29 - 31 Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
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